
By jack

Announcements – IVAO XG – XG Staff Vacancies.

Planning Your Flight

By jack

Your metar here. ↓ Your weather here. ↓ Your route here. ↑ Your charts here. ↑

Relevant to military air traffic

By jack

Absolutely, awareness of Military Training Routes (MTRs) is crucial for civilian pilots when planning and conducting flights. Here are some key reasons why: Safety Considerations: Military aircraft operating within MTRs may fly at high speeds and low altitudes, posing a potential hazard to civilian aircraft.Understanding the location and characteristics of MTRs allows civilian pilots to…

Aeronautical Information Publications

By jack

Aeronautical Information Publications. (AIPs) are official documents that provide essential information for air navigation within a specific country or region. These publications are issued by the civil aviation authority or relevant aviation authority of a particular country and serve as a primary source of aeronautical information for pilots, air traffic controllers, and other aviation stakeholders.…

SO Resources

By jack

ForewordSpecial Operations Regulations constitute a part of regulatory framework of IVAO. A separate chapter is dedicated to each particular subject. IVAO users performing flights on IVAO as pilots shall at least familiarise themselves with Chapter 1 (Introduction) and Chapter 2 (Individual Special Operations flights). Users intending to man military ATS and non–ATS units responsible for…

Handbooks and Guides

By jack

Discover the complete guide designed exclusively for beginners, where you will find step by step all the information and advice necessary to enter this fascinating world. Use expert-designed guides that will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to become a top-level pilot and increase the level of realism. Familiarize yourself with our air…